Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Corel Painter 11
This is how I learned to use Painter. I used a Wacom Cintiq (a monitor where you draw with a stylus directly on the screen) and I loved it. Mitzi is my girlfriend Tawni's rat that I feed sweets when Tawni isn't looking.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


The Sníla are a sentient race of snails. Being invertebrates they hold themselves up with strong muscles. They are hermaphroditic and copulate with other members of their species by sticking them with a penisy-spear thing, while they get stuck as well. While most species of 'lesser' snails are promiscuous Sníla are generally monogamous. They are peaceful and enjoy slow paced activities like doing puzzles or eating toast.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Somber Kitty

Somber Kitty
Somber Kitty is a character from the May Bird trilogy by Jodi Lynn Anderson. In the book passing chipmunks think he's decidedly ugly but me and Tawni think he's cute.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Feco Frog

Feco Frog
Acrylic Outline with Digital Coloring
The idea for this frog was thought up by Tawni Benson. The frog is used as a toilet. You just plop down on those toilet-seat lips and do your business. Toilet paper is not necessary because the frog will lick you sparkly clean. The saliva is sanitary so you shouldn't worry about all the butt-holes it's licked in the past. Feco Frogs adore the taste of poo, especially vile, burning, diarrhea. And their digestive systems will recycle your disgusting waste into clean soil.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Watercolors With Backgrounds

Bunny Bed
This is what I will sleep on in heaven. He is not stuffed, but a living creature. He sleeps twenty-three hours a day and only wakes up to eat toast. He never gets bored of toast as long as there is marmalade. Sometimes he rolls over, silly I know, and if you are asleep on him at the time you'd better not panic or you will most likely suffocate. The trick is to tickle him and he will turn back over. If you keep a cool head you can easily survive this terrifying awakening. Also his torso skeletal support structure is not a central spine, but a rim around the edge. This makes it comfier to sleep on him when he's sleeping on his stomach. No vertebrae or ribs, just a bunch of squishy guts!

Space Bug


Creatures For My Heaven

Bashi is a good girl. She likes to eat garbage more than normal food. The nastier the tastier. She is what I will have instead of a garbage can in heaven. I will even let her lick my face because her saliva is sterile and purifying.

This creature will live in the area in my sink where a disposal would go. He peeks at me as I put my dirty dishes in the sink. The he scrambles up and licks them all spotless. His saliva is also sterilizing.

Watercolor Pages

Wyrm - Inspired by Haku's dragon form in Spirited Away: Top-Left
Blue-Black Guy - Inspired by a blue skinned black man in Samurai Jack: Top-Right
Golden Multi-legged Salamander Rat - Kind of inspired by a many legged salamander dragon in Fablehaven: Bottom-Left
Albino Dumbo-Eared Rat: Bottom-Right

Cow Eating From Nacho Cheese Flavored Dorito Trees - Dorito Tree concept created by Tawni Benson: Top-Left
Ankle-Biter: Top-Right
Bird Perched On Salsa Verde Flavored Dorito Tree Branch: Middle-Right
Weird Walrusy-Thing With Whale Teeth: Bottom-Left
Happy Little Girl: Bottom-Middle
A Sheep In It's Habitat: Bottom-Right

Gliding-Lemur-Thing - Inspired by the Chipmunks and Potguts of Payson Canyon: Top-Left
Radish Mouse: Top-Middle
Jellyfish: Middle-Left
My House That Tawni And I Will Live In If She Ever So Chooses To Stick Around With Me For A While: Middle
Panducks - Inspired by Avatar the Last Airbender: Middle-Left
Swamp Spirit and Seedlings- Inspired by Hayao Miyazaki: Bottom

Grudgy Mouse: Top-Left
Tawni's Octopus (Tawni Benson drew this): Middle-Left
Fat Walrus: Middle
Cross-eyed Crup: Middle-Right
Drumming Octopus - "You must lash out with every limb, like an octupus who plays the drums." - The Sphinx (Mystery Men): Bottom-Left
Fuzzy Fish: Bottom-Right

Paintings on Boards

A Couple and Their Cat
Watercolor on Board

Flower Still-Death
Acrylic and Sharpie on Board

Gameboy Master
Watercolor and Prismacolor on Board

Friday, September 10, 2010

Prismacolor Pencil Creatures

An aquatic spider that spins webs of thick cords. The web is not sticky (things aren't as sticky underwater) but is still able to catch fish in a net-like way.

Hourglass Frog
Named after it's unique pupil shape. This one's sitting on a big puff flower.

Mischievous Dragon
Looks like a bad guy to me.