Thursday, April 12, 2012


This is my stuffed animal, Jaffy, the stumpy giraffe. By this drawering it would seem as if he could fly, but he can't. He can only jump good.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Alvi's Wish

Blissful Didi, starvation unknown due to blessings, rests into her new angel's silver mane as he heads in search of sustenance.

Alvi's angel, Silver, returns in her sleep and carries her to the treehouse so their reunion will occur at a more special place.

Alvi's new, unwanted, overprotective angel searches for her and goes into a sprint at the sounds of battle.

Alvi finds her brother dead. She embraces his ghost.

Alvi makes her wish and the lady of the fountain levitates in power.